Iced Milky Coffee

Ingredients:* Full cream or fresh milk * 1 to 2 teaspoon instant coffee powder* 2 teaspoons sugar * ice cubes Directions:1) Dissolve instant coffee powder and sugar in hot water. 2) Fill up half of your glass or mug with milk (fresh or full cream). Add ice cubes 3) Add the dissolved coffee mixture.

Dalgona Strawberry Shake

Ingredients:* 1 sachet of Tang strawberry flavor (you may use any other flavor or variant of Tang) * fresh milk/full cream milk * 1 (250 ml) Nestle all-purpose cream or whipping cream* ice cubes Directions:1) Whip the Nestle all-purpose cream (or whipping cream) until doubled. 2) Add a sachet of Tang strawberry flavored juice powderContinue reading “Dalgona Strawberry Shake”

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